Spring of Hope Women’s Shelter

Spring of Hope Women’s Shelter offers short term support and refuge to women in Bristol, who are homeless and vulnerable.

Spring of Hope is a non-commissioned referral service, providing shelter, short-term accommodation, and hope for women in their moment of crisis, when they have nowhere else to go.

The team of staff and volunteers advocate for women, walking alongside them to help them get to a place where they are able to engage with specialised agencies who can offer longer term support.

  • Provide safety and refuge for vulnerable women through short-term accommodation, offering a safe place to shelter, advocating for them and helping them to access professional support on issues, such as housing or abusive relationships;
  • Improve the health and wellbeing of women by accepting, befriending and listening to them, providing for their immediate needs (including food, clothes and practical help) and by helping them to access professional support for issues such as mental health or substance misuse;
  • Teach life skills such as cooking, laundry/washing, budgeting, self-care and healthy relationships;
  • Offers a range of support to women throughout the day, ranging from health and housing services, art therapies, hair cuts and beauty treatments and a weekly peer support group.
  • Aim to operate with a trauma informed approach, creating a psychologically informed environment in which women feel safe, secure and comfortable to address the challenges that they face.

“When I got there it felt like one big family. I was safe and warm and getting help. They’re all very kind at the Spring of Hope, they don’t judge you and they’re really, really helpful.”

-Previous guest

Spring of Hope online donation shop

Female volunteers are needed to keep Spring of Hope running!

There are 5 different volunteer roles. 

  1. Group Activity volunteer
  2. Daytime Support Assistant
  3. Night Support Assistant
  4. Housekeeping volunteer
  5. Chaplain volunteer

Find out more about roles that are currently available here.

Essential information

Short-term emergency accommodation is by referral agencies. For more information please contact Spring of Hope on 0117 405 7121 or sohreferrals@inhope.uk.  

Local authority commissioned homeless service St Mungo’s Outreach Team can be contacted out of hours via the Emergency Duty Team on 01454 615 165 .

Nicola, Imogen, or Debra can be contacted to find out more information about daytime and overnight services available to vulnerable women at Spring of Hope.

Get our help

Contact Information

Nicola, Spring of Hope Manager
Tel: 0117 405 7121
Email: springofhope@inhope.uk

Nicola Saunders